Transforming Fear

~A Ceremony to Honor Fear & Shift Perspective~

Wednesday, December 9 (6:00 - 8:15 PM)

Offered in Community Via Zoom

How can you relate more kindly to the personal and collective fear of our times?
How is fear holding you back or impacting your way of being in the world?

This Guided Ceremony & Grounding will offer the opportunity to transform fear (personal & collective) and be in community with others that want to live with intention and deeper connection. We will begin with guided movement, sit in community around the “fire”, and end with a tea ceremony.

As life continues to feel exceptionally groundless amidst a global pandemic and we slip into the darkness of winter, many of us are experiencing an unusual amount of fear, worry, and anxiety. Join us for an evening of naming and honoring what is uniquely present in this moment. We will gather in the company of community and open to the possibility of transforming our fear and realigning with our true nature.

We invite you to slow down with us and take time to shift your perspective.
Are there places where fear is holding you back?
Or the need to recognize how you can nourish yourself to move away from fear?
Perhaps you just need a safe space to honor the fear, worry, or anxiety.
We offer this space to nurture your inherent belonging and wholeness.

Everyone is Welcome. Come as you are.
No experience necessary; just an open heart and willingness to connect.

Enrollment limited to 12 people.

***We will be sending out an email with some optional reflection questions for you to consider before we gather.
A small list of items to bring for our time together will also be shared.


We need ceremony to intentionally honor and dance with the suffering, beauty, and mystery of life.
We need community for this process.


“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”

Audre Lorde

Cost: $30

***Full & Partial Scholarships Available.