Reawaken the Sacred:
Honoring Presence in Uncertain Times
Sunday, June 28 (3:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST)
Join from any part of the World.
No experience necessary; just an open heart and willingness to connect.
“The sorrow, grief, and rage you feel is a measure of your humanity and your evolutionary maturity. As your heart breaks open there will be room for the world to heal.”
This 2-hour online gathering explores the possibility of embracing this time of uncertainty, amidst the impacts of COVID-19, with gratitude, presence, and connection. This interactive workshop is an opportunity to explore the well-being and resilience that is always available to us especially when we choose not to turn away from that which is painful or challenging.
During these times of widespread ecological and social injustices, it is important to honor our personal suffering and that of the world as a healthy response. We must also remember to relish in the inherent beauty and joy in our world. We will share somatic and earth-based practices and tools, engage in interactive activities, and offer ritual to be with the gift of life. You will be reminded, in your mind and body, that we are all interconnected and interdependent. This workshop is grounded in Joanna Macy’s, The Work That Reconnects, and inspired by Caverly Morgan, founder of Presence Collective.
During our time together we will:
Practice gratitude as a revolutionary act of our time.
Honor our pain and grief as necessary components to our collective well-being.
Integrate Active Hope as we co-create our future.
Discover our capacity for change and emotional resilience.
Explore our inherent interconnection and self-healing powers of the web of life.
Tune into the presence, beauty, and joy that is always with us.
Take a stand as presence,
welcoming everything in you.
Embracing everything in you.
Knowing everything as you.
—Caverly Morgan
This workshop is offered via the Zoom platform.
There will be times for optional sharing.
A welcome email will be sent upon registration.
“By witnessing everyone’s stories, I felt my heart crack open and grow a deeper capacity for empathy and compassion.”
Heidi Schmidgall
irene bailey
Cost: $0 - $35
Offered by donation. Please pay the amount you are able.
No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Email us to request a full scholarship.